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Reb Kalmon Krohn Z'l.jpg

He was everything.

A Bal Musar  to one, a man who knew Shas to another, A person with knowledge of the afterlife to some, the mystery individual that sent money for food to the other.


Few people really knew the extent of Reb Kalman Z"L.


For decades, Reb Yisroel Kalman Krohn Z'l had been a fixture of the Lakewood yeshivah community. His late night Motzoei Shabbos Vaad attracted so many as he discussed topics of mussar and hashkafah intertwined with a rich collection fascinating stories of gedolei yisroel.

For countless families and individuals in the community, Reb Kalman was the only place  which they knew they could turn to for help. In addition to the huge sums he raised and distributed through his kupas tzedakah, he dedicated much time to advising fellow Jews struggling with any issue or challenge.

Reb Kalman saw the holiness of every Jew.

The now famous project for the fallen Israeli soldiers whom he bonded with Torah scholars worldwide. For decades, Reb Kalman sponsored individuals so that Mishnayos are studied, Kaddish is recited, candles are lit, charity is given and Yizkor is said in honor of Israel’s fallen warriors.

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